ipDTL extends free deal

ipDTL, an alternative to ISDN that allows users to record high quality audio remotely through a broadband connection, has lifted its restriction on free accounts.

Free ipDTL accounts were originally only issued to radio stations – one account each.

Anybody can now sign up immediately for a free account which consists of two logins which can connect to each other but not to other users.

Free accounts are restricted to 40kbit/s, connecting over optimum network conditions.

ipDTL founder Kevin Leach told Asia Radio Today: “With the product and the market evolving rapidly over recent months, it now makes more sense to allow anybody to create a free account to try out ipDTL without the need to make a purchase. This opens up the free offering to podcasters, voice artists and hobbyists.”

The latest version of ipDTL needs Chrome version 34 and offers new and upgraded features like increased bit rates for HQ Audio users, local recording, push to talk, text chat, script sharing and added security.

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