AIR picks NETIA for 49 Indian sites

India’s national broadcaster All India Radio (AIR) has picked NETIA’s Radio-Assist™ Software Live for its New Delhi headquarters and 48 stations across the country.

Installed on more than 1300 workstations, the software will enable AIR to tailor and deliver informative, educational and entertaining programming to listeners nationwide.

At AIR headquarters in New Delhi, the NETIA Radio-Assist deployment streamlines the production and customization of services to address the language and culture of each listening area.

AIR is one of the world’s largest radio networks, broadcasting in more than 20 languages through 277 stations located across India, reaching nearly 92 percent of the country’s area and 99 percent of the total population.

Radio-Assist allows users across stations to record, edit or prepare a playlist and features tools for acquisition, archiving, audio editing, commercial and music production, newsroom systems, scheduling, broadcasting, and administration.

Benjamin Schvent, head of Asia-Pacific operations at NETIA said: “The size of this Radio-Assist implementation demonstrates the extent to which NETIA software can scale in supporting highly efficient radio production and broadcasting, despite the challenges of multilingual broadcasting across a massive geographic area.”

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