Malaysian jocks turn movie assassins

988 DJs KK Wong and Cheryl Lee are carrying their on air chemistry onto the big screen with roles in a new Malaysian produced Chinese action comedy.

‘Bullets Over Petaling Street’ sees the duo play a pair of lovestruck assassins, reports The Star newspaper.

The film opens in Malaysia on Feb 13 and stars Debbie Goh, Chen Han Wei, Irene Ang and Jeffrey Cheng.

In real life, Wong and Lee – who goes by the name Xin Yi on air – host the PM drive ‘Good Show’ weekdays from 4-8pm with Jason Poon.

Speaking about their parts, Wong told the paper: “I think the director felt that we can bring some humour to the film.”

The pair say they both dream of becoming the main stars of future films.

Spot them in the trailer for the film.

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