Sacked radio show host blames HK leader

Controversial Hong Kong radio host Li Wei Ling  has blamed the territory’s Chief Executive for her recent sacking.

The talk show anchor was dismissed from Commercial Radio last week, just three months after being moved from the prestigious Breakfast Show to an early evening timebelt.

Li told pro-democracy online radio station D100 that she had run her show without interference until Leung Chun-ying was made Chief Executive (head of the Hong Kong government) in 2012.

She said she was warned by a mutual friend that she should be careful about her job.

Li has regularly hit out at the government and has been critical of “interference” from Beijing in the territory’s affairs.

Hong Kong’s media have described her sacking at the “coldest day” yet for freedom of the press.

The company has denied Li was fired due to government pressure.

Her sacking came a day after Commercial Radio’s CEO Stephen Chan Chi-wan stepped down.

He will now be a strategic advisor to the company, according to local media.

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