Phoenix gets more time to launch third DAB

Hong Kong’s media regulator has extended – by a year – the deadline for Phoenix U Radio to launch its third DAB channel.

The Communications Authority has set a new date of September 19 2015, the second time the launch has been deferred.

Phoenix is required by its DAB license to launch three DAB channels by specified deadlines.

Two of the stations have already began broadcasting.

Last month, the station applied for a further extension of the deadline for its third station, saying that DAB penetration was lower than expected and it was difficult to attract advertisers.

The CA approved the extension subject to the condition that Phoenix submits afresh a $1 million performance bond within one month to secure the roll-out of the channel by the new deadline.

The regulator praised the company’s commitment to the new platform and for continuing to share the cost with other DAB broadcasters for operating and improving the DAB transmission network.

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