‘China Takes Over’ Hong Kong station

Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 3 has started a weekly show exploring issues related to the rise of China’s economic, political and military power.

Airing on Saturday mornings 8.30 am, ‘China Takes Over the World’ is produced and presented by Ying Ma, a lawyer and journalist based in California.

She writes regularly about China, international affairs and the free market.

The show features discussions with high-caliber guests with provocative points of view.

These include Chinese businessmen, Western executives, academics, current and former U.S. policymakers and government officials and experts from other countries that have robust trade relations or serious security concerns with China.

The stories take up topics like the world’s reactions to the phenomenon of China’s rise and whether China’s domestic economic and political liberalization, or the lack thereof, propel or hinder its rise.

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