Asia Pop 40 turns two with Justin Bieber

Asia Pop 40 is celebrating two successful years on Asian radio this weekend as the 105th episode goes to air across Asia.

It is the first locally-produced, regionally-syndicated radio chart countdown show produced specifically for Asian audiences.

It was launched on a single station on July 4, 2013, with Singapore’s MediaCorp Radio and is now heard in over 25 markets across Asia every weekend.

To celebrate the milestone, AP40 is airing an exclusive interview with global pop phenomenon Justin Bieber, in two parts over two weeks.

The interview with AP40 host Dom Lau was recorded in Hong Kong recently. 

AP40 Creator & Executive Producer Rob Graham stated: “Two years is a long time in media and I am incredibly proud of what the EON team has achieved with Asia Pop 40. Each week they produce three hours of world-class radio content which is growing in popularity and reach every month.”

Graham estimates that the 318 hours of programming created by EON Media to date has achieved over 13,000 hours of broadcast airtime.

Nearly every affiliate repeats the show at least once per weekend.

He added, “We are incredibly fortunate to have such great broadcast partners. Our affiliates see the relevance in home-grown Asian content for their audiences.”

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