938LIVE anchor well received at TEDx event

938LIVE’s drivetime anchor Michelle Martin was invited to speak at the TEDx Singapore event on Saturday

The localised motivational sessions were borne out of the larger TED conferences, set up by a non profit organisation devoted to ‘ideas worth spreading’.

Martin, who co-hosts the X&M show with William Xavier on the MediaCorp station, was picked after creating a weekly talk show for women called Women of Worth (WOW).

She appeared on the same bill as actress and entrepreneur Irene Ang, Tara Hiebet, who heads the Asian HQ of trendwatching.com and Tanvi Gautam, founder of Global People Tree.

Her topic ‘Powerful Conversations’ described how the most persuasive people aren’t neccessarily the most articulate and that the most convincing aren’t always the most successful.

But Martin told the 90 strong crowd that powerful communicators use empathy and swift movements in perspective to increase their chances of being heard.

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