Umbrella Movement’s anthem wins award

A song composed for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy Umbrella Movement won the ‘Favourite Song’ award at Commercial Radio’s Ultimate Song Chart Awards on January 1.

‘Raise the Umbrella’ was written by ‘Pan’ Lo Hiu-pan and sung by Denise Ho, Anthony Wong and Deanie Yip.

According to Pan, he wrote the song less than two days after September 28, when police fired 87 tear gas canisters into a peaceful crowd of pro-democracy protesters, sparking the nearly three-month long street occupation.

Coincidentally, it received 2887 votes from 8000 attendees at the awards ceremony.

After Pan performed the song to a crowd in October, it was picked up by local radio stations and became popular on Youtube.

At the awards function, Pan, Ho, Wong and Yip also performed ‘Raise the Umbrella’ with local group RubberBand.

According to The Epoch Times, Pan said that he wrote the song for “Hongkongers who have been working hard and struggling with everyday living.”

Earlier, Students of the Umbrella Movement were also voted the ‘Backchat Person of the Year 2014’ on RTHK’s Radio 3.

The Umbrella Movement was created spontaneously during the Hong Kong protests of September 2014 against the government.

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