Metro Hong Kong to air anti-porn drama

Hong Kong’s Metro Broadcast Corporation is to air a new radio drama ‘Basketball on Fire’ calling on youths to stay away from violent images and porn.

The series, which runs from March 18, is a collaboration with The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA).

The drama aims to further enhance public understanding of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO), part of government plans to tighten legislation.

Starring famous Hong Kong singers Pakho Chau, Kary Ng and Siufay, the eight-episode Cantonese radio drama will be broadcast in the programmes “Allstar Flagstore” and “Lonely Phone” on Metro Info at 5pm and 11pm respectively every Tuesday to Friday from March 18 to 28.

The characters played by Pakho Chau and Kary Ng face various difficulties, adversities and temptations when pursuing their respective dreams on the basketball court and in photography.

While they lose their direction for a time, they finally get back on the right track with perseverance and encouragement from close friends.

After each episode, audiences will get a chance to win prizes by participating in a quiz game through the thematic website (

Each year, the OFNAA organises a series of public education programmes to promote public understanding of the COIAO.

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