WorldDAB’s session on Radio distribution strategies for a connected world at IBC 2019


WorldDAB is producing a session at this year's International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) called Radio distribution strategies for a connected world.

IBC is an annual media, entertainment and technology show, to be held at Amsterdam from September 13 to 17.

Over the five days of the conference over 1,400 delegates and guests from across the globe will hear from our outstanding line-up of more than 400 speakers.

The WorldDAB session will discuss how the migration to broadcast digital offers radio broadcasters opportunities and challenges.

Digital offers broadcasters the ability to reduce costs while increasing audiences and revenue, while offering more choice and clearer sound to the listener. Hybrid radio – combining broadcast with connectivity – enables an enhanced experience to the listener. The challenge however is to develop a radio distribution strategy that will balance the budget and safeguard audience and business models in the face of digital giants.

The session will focus on broadcast digital radio's place in the distribution mix offering recommendations and advice on how broadcasters can assess all digital distribution platforms to make informed investment choices today to safeguard broadcast radio for tomorrow. 

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