What’s Your “Why”?

Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson

2019 is off and running. By now you will have your new revenue goals for the year. Based on those revenue goals, you can calculate how much you will earn this year – your revenue  goals, divided by your commission rate, will give you your potential earnings.   

Today I don't want to talk about how much you want to earn, I want to talk about WHY you want to earn it. What will you do with the money?  You see, it's really not about the money: It's about what you will DO WITH THE MONEY. What's on your vision board for this new year?
Do you want a new house?
Do you want a vacation?
Do you want a new car? 
Do you need to send your children to a special school or pay for their college?
Have you resolved to retire all your debt?
Is there a charity you wish to contribute to?
In other words, “What's your 'Why'”? This “Why” is the Level Three reason for why you go to work everyday and strive to hit goals. It is what motivates you. It is what helps you to bounce back after a bad day.  

In our customer needs analysis, we work through the pain circle with our clients to the deepest level, Level Three. We know that our clients will buy, not because of the Level One problem (the first thing they tell you about a problem), not because of the Level Two problem (How that problem has affected their business) but because of Level Three (How that business problem has affected them personally).  

We operate the same way. Our true motivation comes from the personal ramifications of earning, or not earning, what we want (need) to earn. Once you figure out your “Why” your Identity (I) will drive your Role (R) to succeed.
And, “I” and “R” sound like good topics for our next newsletter. In the meantime, happy selling!  

About The Author 

Pat Bryson is the founder of Bryson Broadcasting International, a consulting firm that works with radio stations around the world to increase revenue by raising the skill level of their sales staffs. Her client list spans from the United States to Canada, Europe and Central Asia.

Pat has spent her entire career creating a culture of over-achievement for her stations. She began her career in radio sales, becoming one of the highest billing sales people in her market. Her career advanced to General Sales Manager, and then to Market Manager. Since starting BBI 7 years ago, she has helped hundreds of radio stations to find, train and grow great quality sales people and managers.

Pat was the recipient of two prestigious educational fellowships from the Educational Foundation of the National Association of Broadcasters: a fellowship to the Executive Development Program and a fellowship to the Broadcast Leadership Training Program.

She publishes the Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter twice monthly, is the author of A Road Map To Success In High-Dollar Broadcast Sales and is a contributor to Valerie Geller's latest book, Beyond Powerful Radio: A Communicator's Guide To The Internet Age.

You may contact Pat at [email protected] or visit her website at http://www.patbryson.com.
