What are customers ready to do now?

Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson

Every week that passes sees another change in the mindset of consumers. COVID numbers continue to fluctuate, restrictions vary state to state, province to province, country to country. But stores are opening up, business is slowly returning to normal, and consumers are eager to shop.

SmithGeiger, a marketing and research consultancy, and its Elevate division released the results of a recent study giving insight into what customers want to do and buy.
More than half said they intend to shop at a local merchant within a month of restrictions being lifted. Almost half are in line for a hair cut and style. 41% want to have coffee with friends. 37% plan to dine in a restaurant.
We know that being at home made those sheltering keenly aware of home projects that needed to be done. 69% anticipate completing home improvements in the first 6 months after opening.
Schools and universities are also categories that will need help to handle the demand and protocols. 66% of respondents said they plan to enroll in a vocational, technical school or university.
We've been talking to our stations about “staycations”. 47% of their sample said they plan on going on a “staycation” within 6 months.
Within 6 months, 56% will be looking for advertising on special deals, 59% still want to know how businesses are keeping them safe with new protocols, and 55% plan to take advantage of good deals.
These insights highlight the categories of business we should be calling on. They also give us information about what our clients' messages should be. Current times require new messages. Customers want to know 1. Are you open? 2. What safety procedures are in place? 3. How can this business help me?
Get rid of the somber music: people are craving normalcy. Consumers are eager to spend. Where they decide to unleash their pent-up demand depends partly on the messages they hear. Radio has led the way in messaging during the past few months. We must continue to do so. Take a look at the categories above. Meet with those businesses. Craft messages that are relevant today. We must be the guides for helping our clients to revive their revenue. Helping our customers to get what they want (more revenue) will help us to get what we want (more revenue). Nice that it works out that way!


About The Author 

Pat Bryson is the founder of Bryson Broadcasting International, a consulting firm that works with radio stations around the world to increase revenue by raising the skill level of their sales staffs. Her client list spans from the United States to Canada, Europe and Central Asia.

Pat has spent her entire career creating a culture of over-achievement for her stations. She began her career in radio sales, becoming one of the highest billing sales people in her market. Her career advanced to General Sales Manager, and then to Market Manager. Since starting BBI 7 years ago, she has helped hundreds of radio stations to find, train and grow great quality sales people and managers.

Pat was the recipient of two prestigious educational fellowships from the Educational Foundation of the National Association of Broadcasters: a fellowship to the Executive Development Program and a fellowship to the Broadcast Leadership Training Program.

She publishes the Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter twice monthly, is the author of A Road Map To Success In High-Dollar Broadcast Sales and is a contributor to Valerie Geller's latest book, Beyond Powerful Radio: A Communicator's Guide To The Internet Age.






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