Tips for telling better stories on talk radio #RDE16

In a workshop called ‘Loving the News,’ Danish Radio journalists and talk hosts Tony Scott and Tue Blaedel conducted a workshop to improve how you select and approach talk content on radio.
Here are some of their tips.
Every producer should ask themselves questions such as:

  • What’s the most over the top, provocative way to tell this story?
  • What tangible thing can a producer bring into the studio to help tell this story?
  • Who is the main character of this story?
  • What is the personal take on it?

“It’s never the story, it’s about how you tell it to get listeners to engage that matters,” they said.
They believe radio is the best medium for telling stories, because it is unpredictable. “You can show the hypocrisy of the world in an entertaining way.”

See our other Radio Days Europe 2016 reports here.

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