‘I am committing treason by speaking to you today’ Polish broadcaster at #RDE16


In one of the opening sessions of Radio Days Europe, Kamila Ceran from news talk station Tok FM in Poland warned that radio stations in her  country are being viewed as opponents by the newly elected government and are under threat.

So far the new government has changed many laws since being elected. “They passed new security laws and many repressive rules through the parliament within just a few days,” she said.
The new Polish government will soon take charge of the media regulator and she does not know what will happen to broadcasters after that.
“I am committing an act of treason by speaking to you today.”
Speaking passionately from her own experience Ceran urged radio stations to use their power in the interests of the people. “Do not be taken in extremists who want to divide the people… do not play into their hands.”
“At our station, we will not be afraid, we hope that journalistic integrity will prevail in the face of our very difficult situation,” she told Radio Days.

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