Remember Dad Jokes?

Peady’s Selling Engagement

As kids we were told corny jokes by our dad and typically we’d roll our eyes and respond “ooooh dad” but it didn’t seem to stop him, the jokes kept coming.

That’s what dads do.

Some sales people are a bit the same only they don’t use “dad jokes” they just do the same corny sales routine over and over again. You know, they only talk about themselves, their product or service, their market position, what sharp prices they have, bagging their competitors, talking, talking, talking….their list of “sales dad jokes” goes on.

It never seems to occur to them that maybe the client or prospective client might have something of value to say.

How about you?

Are you talking or are you listening? Are you asking great questions? Are you looking to uncover an opportunity or problem you can help solve? Are you always trying to add value to every business conversation?

Find the need

Questioning to uncover the need – it’s a core sales essential, regardless of the techniques you use. Asking smart well thought through questions is part of a structured, linear process, and fundamental to your sales success.

Asking questions is unavoidable: Learning to ask the “right” questions with ease and confidence has a marked, positive impact on your results.

70/30 rule

The best media salespeople, those at the top of the game, spend around 70% of the time with prospects asking questions and listening; but just 30% talking about themselves or their product.

The New Reality

Any client interaction has to be focussed on the customer, their needs, their business challenges – not a pitch. Your product or service is simply a tool to help solve these issues.

Key point: How can you help them to win? With corny sales “dad jokes” or with a focussed question- based approach driving towards a solution based outcome?


About the author 

Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.

He can be contacted at [email protected]




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