Preventable Podcast Pitfalls #RDA23

During the morning session of the Radio Days Asia Podcast Day, Norma Jean Belenky, from Podbean Indonesia, addressed the most common mistakes podcasters make within their first 5 years.

The following are preventable, podcast pitfalls and some suggested solutions:

  1. Lack of a clear niche:
    • What makes your podcast stand out?
    • Be clear on your goals from day one.
  1. Ignoring audio quality
    • Edit for consistency, note sound consistency, sound signature
    • Kow that you will grow your podcast quality as you go
  1. Inconsistent release schedule
    • Consider consistency of publishing, know when your audience is listening and…
    • Train your audience when to expect your podcast
  1. Overlooking SEO and Metadata
    • Use keywords so people find you, use transcripts for inclusivity
    • Optimise content, bite size key take aways and use a trailer for promotion
    • Always remember the value to audience of your podcast.
  1. Avoiding networking opportunities
    • Podcasting is all about collaboration so ASK!
    • Attend conferences
    • Reach out to Podcasters that share your niche
    • Explore advertising swaps
  1. Lack of Promotion
    • Where are you promoting? Remember email newsletters, social media, in app promotion and…
    • Word of mouth is the number one way method for promotion, mention to a friend, ask them to spread the word
    • What and when are you promoting?
    • Launches
    • Upcoming episodes
    • Guests
  1. What value are you offering?
    • Entertainment
    • Merchandise
  1. Neglecting Engagement
    • Use social media and respond to contacts and connections
  1. Building a podcast network
    • Focus on a podcast within a specific niche or target a specific audience.
    • Cross collaborate and promote within a network, promote new episodes
    • Develop relationships with agencies and brands that produce target campaigns


Podbean is a podcast creation, hosting, monetization and distribution company operating worldwide since 2015. Almost 700,000 podcasters use the Podbean service.


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