People remember stories!

Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson

I bet you were lulled to sleep as a child with a great story told by your parents. Or maybe you now read and tell stories to your children.

As storytellers, we join a long line of people who have received acclaim from their tribes because of their ability to pass down tribal history through stories. They kept legends alive. They inspired new generations. Stories are golden!

We can inspire people also. A big part of our job as salespeople is to manage risk and stack value for our prospects. This ability is especially important today as uncertainty reigns. People will not buy from us until they perceive that the probability of reward is greater than the risk. Telling success stories about other clients is a big part of removing risk.
What's the science behind this? The left side of the brain helps us to think logically. The right side of the brain helps us recall memories and experience emotion. Both sides are linked together by the Neocortex. When we tell stories, both sides of the brain are stimulated and work together. We see the whole picture. we connect to the person telling the stories.
Oxytocin is the “trust hormone”. It is released when we listen to stories. Oxytocin signals the brain that everything is OK, and it is safe to approach others. Being trusted builds our credibility, a necessary ingredient if a prospect is gong to buy from us.
Get your stories ready. Learn to paint “word pictures” with your language. People will remember your stories long after they have forgotten your facts!
P.S. I do a 60 minute webinar on learning to craft great stories. If you'd like information on scheduling one for your team, give me a call 918.810.3068 or email me at [email protected].


About The Author 

Pat Bryson is the founder of Bryson Broadcasting International, a consulting firm that works with radio stations around the world to increase revenue by raising the skill level of their sales staffs. Her client list spans from the United States to Canada, Europe and Central Asia.

Pat has spent her entire career creating a culture of over-achievement for her stations. She began her career in radio sales, becoming one of the highest billing sales people in her market. Her career advanced to General Sales Manager, and then to Market Manager. Since starting BBI 7 years ago, she has helped hundreds of radio stations to find, train and grow great quality sales people and managers.

Pat was the recipient of two prestigious educational fellowships from the Educational Foundation of the National Association of Broadcasters: a fellowship to the Executive Development Program and a fellowship to the Broadcast Leadership Training Program.

She publishes the Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter twice monthly, is the author of A Road Map To Success In High-Dollar Broadcast Sales and is a contributor to Valerie Geller's latest book, Beyond Powerful Radio: A Communicator's Guide To The Internet Age









