New Year… new job


Is it time for a change?

Our Jobs page currently has some vacancies for the new year in admin, playout systems, news and production.

And there are new jobs being posted all the time, so bookmark the page and check back regularly.

To stay in touch with the latest jobs, subscribe to our newsletter by putting your email in the box at the right of this page and filling in the form. We won’t spam you, you will receive two updates per week letting you know of the latest news and jobs.


Are you an employer?


AsiaRadioToday has thousands of readers from all sectors of the radio industry, all across Asia and the Middle East.

Placing a job on AsiaRadioToday is your best way to reach them.

If you are a corporate employer, we can set you up with an account where you can place jobs directly, or if you are a small employer, we can do all the work for you.


Contact our Admin Manager Wendy ([email protected]) and she will organise it for you.




New Job pic: Shutterstock

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