My FM campaign highlights safety issues for Indian women

94.3 MY FM has joined a massive movement demanding greater rights for women in India following several shocking rape cases.

The station’s Women Without Fear campaign is being run in Chandigarh and Bhopal, two cities where women think twice before travelling alone at night.

Last December, a female student was brutally attacked by four men in the capital Delhi and later died from her injuries.

The tragedy, along with several other crimes against women, has seem a wave of anger across the country.

Women Without Fear is being championed on air by the station’s female radio-jockeys (RJs) in particular, with RJ Meenakshi from Chandigarh and RJ Parul from Bhopal broadcasting their shows from hundreds of locations in both cities.

The main point of the initiative is to collect audio signatures from listeners who support the drive to help women feel more safe.

Nearly 20,000 people from the two cities have already given their voice to the campaign, according the station.

The audio signatures will be passed to the governors of Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab states in a collective call for more concrete steps from politicians.

Commenting on the campaign Harrish M Bhatia, CEO of MY FM India said : “We took notice of the fact women’s safety issues are not given due consideration in our cities and decided to start a movement on our own.”

“We are all in for women’s equality, some of our best RJ’s are women.  Empowerment is an important step which will give women the right to fight back and feel safe in their cities. We are sure to get the desired support in our markets and bring in a change to our society and the way women are treated.”

MY FM, which operates in 17 Indian cities, plans to roll-out the drive across all its stations in due course.

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