Kerala woman wins property on Dubai station

A 24 year-old Indian on a visit to the UAE to find a job has reportedly won a piece of prime property in her home state thanks to a Dubai radio station.

Sruthymol V was the winner of Malayalam station Hit 96.7 FM’s ‘Hit the Jackpot’ contest, according to Khaleej TImes.

A computer science and engineering graduate, Sruthymol became an overnight star among the expat Malyali community from Kerala, India, when she won 2,500 sq ft of prime property last Sunday.

The station received close to a record 4.4 million messages for the contest held to mark its 10th anniversary in June, which also gave away $16335(Dh 60,000) cash and a trip to Switzerland as prizes.

To participate, listeners had to send messages through the channel’s mobile app.

Sruthymol’s husband bought her a mobile phone using a friend’s credit card so she could send messages to take part in the contest.

She sent 1,922 messages, much lower than some senders who texted more than 20,000 messages.

The plot that Surthymol won is located close to Kochi in Kerala and is worth about $66,577 (Rs 4 million).

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