KBS signs on for new Digigram sound cards

KBS – Korea’s national broadcaster – is to deploy the latest Digigram sound cards in its radio and TV studios.

The KBS installation backs up the Adsoft radio broadcasting system and the Dalet recording, editing, and media asset management system.

Yun Seong Lee, manager of the radio technology department at KBS said: “We have used Digigram sound cards for more than a decade. They integrate very smoothly with our preferred broadcast systems, and we are confident that they will provide the quality and stability essential for creation of a top-tier broadcast solution.”

Digigram provides sound cards and remote broadcasting solutions for radio and TV.

According to a company release, its sound cards have “set industry standards in broadcast” by offering “unique dedicated functions for the entire audio production chain including field recording, ingest, editing, production, live-assist, routing, play-out, and logging”.

“This deployment will demonstrate that broadcasters of all sizes can depend on Digigram sound cards and count on their interoperability with key third-party solutions,” said Nancy Diaz-Curiel, APAC sales manager at Digigram.

Raoul Cospen, director of marketing and business development at Dalet commented: “With a new state-of-the-art platform, featuring Digigram sound cards and Dalet Radio Suite, KBS will be able to create compelling content more efficiently.”

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