Japanese viewers want NHK chief to resign

Two Japanese groups are demanding immediate resignation of controversial NHK Chairman Katsuto Momii with a campaign calling for viewers to stop paying the NHK subscription fee, reports The Japan Times.

One group is called NHK wo Kanshi Gekirei Suru Shichosha Community (Viewers’ Community to Monitor and Encourage NHK) and the other is NHK Mondai wo Kangaeru Kai (Group to Examine Problems Related to NHK).

They said Momii’s contentious remarks on Japan’s wartime history angered the public and its neighbours since he assumed the top post in January.

Momii had justified the use of “comfort women” for Japanese troops at military brothels before and during the war in his inaugural press conference.

He later apologised for his comments, but doesn’t seem to have won over the public.

The groups have warned NHK that if Momii does not resign by the end of April, its members would freeze their payments for six months.

The NHK viewer fees range from $24.7 (¥2,520) to $44.8 (¥4,560) for every two months per household.

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