Jak FM jackpot keeps fans on toes for 4 days

101 Jak FM Jakarta celebrated its seventh birthday this week handing out US dollars to listeners instead of the national currency the Indonesian Rupiah.

The Jackfm Jackpot which ran from January 10-13 saw the cash snowball in seven dollar increments every time the prize wasn’t won, allowing sizeable amounts of money to build up over the length of the contest.

The station says fans took to Social Media in their droves, partly because of the current strength of the US dollar, which would give winners additional purchasing power.

Within three days, the prize fund had accumulated to $1,897 or around 23 million rupiah.

Jakarta resident Apit won the entire cash on January 13 by guessing the name of song, which was Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball.

The station, which launched in 2007, runs an adult contemporary format of mostly Indonesian and some English songs.


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