International Radio Festival’s faces for radio

The International Radio Festival (IRF) is presenting the world’s first photographic collection of International Radio Faces.

Founded in 2010, IRF showcases some of the best music programmes and formats, offering those tuned-in the rare opportunity to listen to how the world sounds.

The past five editions of the IRF have offered an intriguing insight to a multitude of different radio cultures and their presenters from around the globe.

One discovery it made was that all radio cultures share the same jovial saying: “You have the perfect face for radio!”

It was also discovered that most radio presenters rarely hold a professionally taken photographic portrait of themselves, and on that note the IRF launched the world’s first collection of international radio faces (IRFaces); faces of local and national radio heroes from around the world who attended and showcased their radio programmes at the International Radio Festival.

The official launch of the International Radio Faces (IRFaces) photographic collection will take place during the 6th edition of the IRF from August 14 to 30.

This year’s IRF features 40 radio stations and more than 60 key industry professionals from around the world coming together in Zurich.

More info here:

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