Hong Kong digital broadcaster gets soft relaunch

Hong Kong’s troubled digital radio network DBC is once again broadcasting live on its DAB frequencies.

Seven stations operated by the Digital Broadcasting Corporation (DBC) closed suddenly last October.

A management feud saw funding for the fledgling broadcaster dry up.

Since then, the channels have been running mostly non-stop music in a bid to retain their broadcasting licences.

A spokesperson for DBC told Asia Radio Today on Monday that the channels were back up and running.

The company plans a grand launch event in November to market the stations.

DBC was set up by broadcaster and political activist Albert Cheng among others and was granted a digital radio licence in 2011.

But when directors fell out some months after launch, vital cash needed to keep the stations on the air was withheld.

At the time there were accusations that the feud was politically motivated.

The return to live programming comes after pressure from Hong Kong’s Communications Authority.

The company shared details of the seven digital stations below:


Flagship Channel

The flagship channel which features renowned DJs, talk show hosts, and opinion leaders to offer their views on various current issues.

Digital News Channel

A round the clock News services, available 24-hours a day on city and global news as well as updated traffic report during peak period.

Digital Business News Channel

Digital Finance service, where investors can get first-hand information on both domestic and international financial markets.  It is an interactive platform to share trading tips and exploring opportunities.

Radio Smile

First ever dedicated radio channel for youths in Hong Kong, established by Francis Mak BBS, MH (Mak Sir) and Educator, Emily Mok Fung-yee.   It gears for schools, families and communities at large, focuses on inspirations and well-being of youths. It deems to foster better understanding among families, student communities, and teachers to convey a positive attitude through activities in arts and culture.

Radio Campus

A multi-ethnic platform where various ethnicities and nationalities gathered.  Programs cover current affairs, infotainment, music, education and career counseling in their native languages, including Indonesian Bahasa, Tagalog, Urdu, Nepali, Hindi, Thai, English and Korean.

Music Channel

A 24-hour jukebox plays a great selection of contemporary and pop music.

Chinese Opera Channel

A channel comprises of all genres of Chinese classical opera and music available for listening.

On Tuesday, another Hong Kong radio group Metro Broadcast Corporation is due to launch its second DAB channel (Metro Music Digital).

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