Big FM leads in 34 markets: India Readership Survey


India’s Big FM network has an overall listenership of 100 million while leading across 34 out of its 37 reported markets as per India Readership Survey 2019 – Q3. (Source: IRS 2019_Q3 | 25+All | Last 1 Week Listenership |Pvt. FM Stations) 

The network leads in North, East and South regions and is a clear No. 2 in the west, well ahead of its next competitor by a 21 percent gap.

Amongst states, Big FM continues to dominate in the Hindi heartlands of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand, South belt in Karnataka, Assam in the Northeast and Jammu and Kashmir up north.

Sunil Kumaran, Country Head – Product, Marketing and Thwink BIG, BIG FM said: “From the earlier round of IRS to this one, we have maintained our leadership. Our unique position ensures that we stand out and connect with audiences at a deeper level. This has also reflected in large brands using our platform to drive their brand communication on the back of our strong content ideas.

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