BBG seeks $721 million budget this year

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which runs Voice of America, Radio Free Asia and other US-government funded international channels has requested a $ 721.26 million budget for FY 2015.

The agency says this will help its channels enhance their performance.

BBG believes the budget will help meet strategic priorities in light of dynamic global communications environments.

Some specific areas of focus are to expand engagement with audiences in East and Southeast Asia among other regions, including developing content to support Internet freedom for Burma, Cambodia, China, and Vietnam.

The agency will also seek significant reductions in non-content related staff positions and costs involving less-effective signal transmissions, which could see shortwave services cut.

“This agency has a strategic imperative to tie its priorities to global realities, making the most of relatively scarce resources while responding to shifts in audiences, technology use and media markets,” said BBG Chairman Jeffrey Shell.

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