Australian DJ from Indian nurse’s suicide note speaks at Radiodays Europe

“You know me as the nurse prank DJ, but I am Mel and I want to tell you about me. 

“From age 16, I started volunteering on community radio and I knew I wanted to work in radio. The dream was to host the hot 30 countdown which I had listened to for years in the country town where I grew up…

“I got my dream job. I loved every single minute of it. I was there for 9 months… and then in one moment I lost it all.”

Speaking at RadioDays Europe, Mel Greig told her side of the royal prank story.

In Deceber 2012, she made a hoax phone call to a UK hospital caring for the Duchess of Cambridge while she was pregnant and got the night sister Jacinatha Saldahna, an Indian, to transfer the call to the nurse on duty who revealed details of the Duchess’ condition.

There was outrage over the call and Saldahna committed suicide three days later, blaming the prank call in a npte.

Greig doesn’t expect to get a job in Australian radio for a while because the industry “is not ready yet.”

She recounted the story of how the royal prank call turned from being funny to tragic in a few moments. “I got the call, it woke me up. I can’t remember the next six hours. I felt I was responsible for someone’s death, she named me in her suicide note, and I wondered if I deserved to live.”

She talked about the threats and trolls that have followed her via social media, and in person, since the tragic death of Saldanha.

Mel Grieg thinks the prank call outcome changed things, and that radio prank calls should no longer be allowed.

Her other advice was about social media trolls, she created two characters who were so pathetic that she felt they could no longer hurt her, and pictured the trolls as one of those characters .

She says she wants to get back on radio eventually, either in Australia or somewhere else.

View some grabs of Mel’s speech from our facebook page.


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