AFTRS launches new courses for radio professionals


Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) has launched introductory and intermediate level radio courses to offer practical and hands-on learning to extend the skill set of radio professionals in Asia.

The courses are taught by industry professionals in the state-of-the-art facilities of Australia’s premier film school in Sydney.

This season’s Summer School, scheduled to run between November 2015 and February 2016, includes the Three Week Radio School and Radio Intensive.

The Three Week Radio School helps expand on participants’ skill set and interest in radio through a live national broadcast, from AFTRS’ state-of-the-art radio studios.

It is designed to provide students with an exhilarating three week experience, working collaboratively in radio to prepare, produce and deliver content for on-air and online.

Over fifteen intensive days from November 9 to 27, guided by industry experts Rachel Corbett (Triple M, 2Day FM) and Jess Campanaro (2GB) students will explore and develop skills in building a radio show,

sourcing, creating and developing content for on-air and online, audio production,  interview techniques and announcing, writing for radio and online, operating studio equipment and software, including microphones and play out systems and also receive individual air checks from industry professionals.

They will also prepare a five-minute demo to take home for their portfolio.

The Radio Intensive is a five-day course where students will learn essential radio skills from experienced radio industry professionals and gain the confidence to begin a career in radio.

It covers everything from roles and responsibilities, announcing and presentation, to editing and studio skills.

This course will run from January 11 to 15 2016.

All Summer School courses are eligible for a special 20 percent extra early bird discount if booked before October 1. 

For details visit and

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