Who IN RADIO makes you proud to be Australian?

Nominations are under way for Australian of the Year. Who would be a worthy entrant from the Radio Industry? dmg’s Paul Thompson, Austereo’s Peter Harvie, RG Cap’s Rhys Holleran? ABC’s Michael Mason or Roger Summerill? Super’s Bill Caralis?

Or Senior Australian of the Year? John Laws, Bob Rogers, Ron Camplin? How about Young Australian of the Year? There must be heaps of young people under 25 in regional markets who are worth nominating. Then there’s the Local Hero award. Who at your station goes out of their way to help the local community?

Tell us who you’d nominate and why and in which category. We’ll turn the best responses into official nominations. Lets make sure that Radio is well represented at this year’s nominations. And maybe even at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.

Not a subscriber? Strictly speaking, only paid subscribers can contribute posts on the Forum. But since this is only our third week, we’ll make an exception. So, if you’re not a paid subscriber, but you’re really keen to nominate someone, then send us your post in an email to [email protected] and we’ll post it for you.