Big FM’s anti high-beam campaign for road safety


India’s Big FM network has announced 'High Beam – Not OK Please' campaign to sensitize people to use high-beams in their cars responsibly.

As per the data published by the country’s ministry of road, transport and highways, 74 percent of the vehicles use blinding headlights on highways, which is one of the major causes of road accidents. When it comes to road crash deaths, as per the 2017 report, Chennai, Delhi, and Bangalore are the top three cities that witnessed maximum accidents while Mumbai is placed seventh. This is an alarming situation and the campaign tries to sensitize everyone to use High Beam in the right way.

As a part of the campaign, the station’s RJs will initiate conversations by highlighting and engaging with listeners on the causes of increasing road accidents.

They will also speak to local authorities like Regional Transport Offices, Traffic Management, driving experts and eye specialists for an in-depth idea on high beam and its harsh effects, if not used correctly.

Further, with highways being the most affected and to personalize the messaging for the listeners, BIG FM will also install photo booths at prominent stopovers across highways in various cities. As soon as the person is ready to get clicked, a bright light will flash on their face while the camera captures the image. This social experiment will mirror the jarring effect of the high beam from the opposite direction on a person's vision.

A company spokesperson said: “When we hear the term road accident, we associate it with various reasons like speed, drunk driving, mobile phone usage, etc. But we hardly think that the use of a high beam can cause accidents too. Through this campaign, we want to change this notion and highlight how this issue is turning out to be one of the key reasons for accidents.”  

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