Winners Use These Three Prospecting Ideas

Peady’s Selling Engagement.


  • The 58/2 Phone Call – Business people are often hard to reach due to the number of meetings and conference calls they attend. A great way to make contact is by calling between 58 minutes after the hour and 2 minutes into the next hour. If there is one time of the day they might be free, it’s often between meetings and calls.


  • The Saturday Morning Message – Senior people and small business owners don’t stop work on the weekend.  Often this is their time to read emails, go online, checkout social media – things they mightn’t get to during the week. Sending a personalized email at 6.30am on Saturday morning can make a difference.  The person receiving it is working and they see you’re working too. But, make sure you check for a response as you don’t want to respond on Monday morning – two days later.​


  • Maximise the Holiday Weeks – Many times you can find the people you really want to talk with during holiday weeks around Christmas, Easter or long weekends. Often they are more relaxed and more willing to talk on the telephone or even to see people. I’m not talking about the actual holidays but the working days around these periods. The value add is the demonstration of your commitment to helping customers all year ‘round.



About the author 

Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in providing SME marketing solutions and training for salespeople and sales managers.

He can be contacted at [email protected] 

Read more of Peady’s Selling Engagement here.


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