Top 10 Amazing AI tools and innovations: Mike Russell #RadioDaysAsia

“AI is here to augment us, help us and, at the moment, not to replace us”, said Mike Russell founder of Creator Magic at RadioDays Asia.

Here is his selection and explanation of the best tools to use:


1. Parrot App

  • AI celebrity app, useful if you’d like Joe Rogan or Tom Cruise to make an appearance.


2. Adobe Enhance

  • Takes recorded audio and makes it sound better. Use any microphone and have studio quality sound.


3. ChatGPT

  • Useful in finding sales and marketing leads, for example, download a list of conference attendees, get ChatGPT to find the best prospects
  • ask it to find relevant exhibitors in a large conference
  • it gives reasons to connect with exhibitors


4. Perplexity

  • Useful in news and identifying trends
  • Will find sources and attribute sources
  • Click on one story and ‘ask for follow up’ and you’ll get more stories.
  • Ask to make this into easy bullet points summary for a radio host.


5. Elevenlabs

  • Voice clone and voice changer
  • Speech to speech feature
  • Note that it can’t translate an accent so Mike’s tip is to use text to text speech to get a specific accent.
  • Useful when creating an automated voice podcast


6. UVR

  • Voice remover
  • Upload a file and run conversion
  • Gives a seamless, vocal track, with background music and splitting. Spits out a bunch of different stems.


7. Auphonic

  • For post production use
  • Your AI sound engineer for radio – all in one hit
  • Does noise gating
  • Has presets


8. Playphrase

  • Searches and presents movies quotes


9. Midjourney

  • Images
  • Set a scene where, what, who? a garden,
  • Use flags in your prompt
  • Sample prompt: powerful wizard standing inside a circle of standing stones.

10. Face fusion

  • Face swap for thumbnails.

Mike answered a question regarding the responsibilities of AI users for copyright compliance. He suggested using ‘commercially safe AI tools’ such as Replica.

When asked if there is any way an on air personality could ensure their voice was safe from being replicated, he answered that he wasn’t aware of a way you could protect yourself when your voice and images are out in public.


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