RTHK runs more community made shows

Sixteen more original radio shows produced by different communities in Hong Kong will debut this week on one of RTHK’s digital radio channels.

Commissioned under the Hong Kong government’s Community Involvement Broadcasting Service (CIBS), the programmes will run each night on DAB Channel 31.

This is the second phase of a three year pilot project to directly involve the local community in the creation and production of radio shows.

HK$45 million has been allocated for the scheme.

Seven of the 16 shows are related to social service, three are about politics and current affairs, two sit in the educational category and four are about ethnic minorities.

They will take up in a total of 175.5 hours of airtime, according to the public broadcaster

To be commissioned, all programmes went through two selection exercises, including both public voting (which made up 25 percent of the total score) and assessment by the Selection Committee (75 percent).

The 16 shows will be broadcast Monday to Saturday from 8pm to 10pm, and on Sunday from 8:30pm to 10pm on DAB Channel 31.

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