Radiodays Europe 2017 announces preliminary programme


Radiodays Europe, the annual conference for the European radio industry and a destination for radio people from around the world, has announced its preliminary programme with a glimpse of some of the topics for its next edition.

The first 30 sessions of the programme are about ‘A Sound Future’ – both for radio and the growing audio market, with new players entering the audio business.

It also covers digital challenges that are rapidly changing the way people consume information and entertainment and the disruption of present business models.

It will also share experiences from the best of radio today including success stories, digital advances, journalism, new research and business models from across the world.

It will also feature some of the greatest award winning radio producers and the visions of leaders of radio broadcasters.

The full conference programme will be announced by the end of January, with a total of 50+ sessions and over 120 speakers in 4 session tracks.

“We are very excited about the speaker line-up so far for Radiodays Europe. The new speaker announcements underline our ambition this year to include both the most interesting speakers from radio in Europe and overseas, as well as the new audio market of podcasting and streaming, and interesting speakers from other businesses outside radio, from whom we can get inspired about storytelling and audience engagements, digital developments or new revenue,” says Anders Held, Co-founder and Manager of Radiodays. 

The eighth edition of the event will be held in Amsterdam next year from March 19 to 21.

The event has become Europe’s largest radio conference and next year will be its eighth edition, featuring more than 120 speakers over 50+ sessions.

Radiodays Europe has previously been in held in Copenhagen, Barcelona, Berlin, Dublin, Milan and this year in Paris.

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