Radio Content Sharing & Caring


One positive of COVID-19 for radio has been the coming together of stations to support each other at what is a difficult time. We are seeing smaller stations being supported by other players in the market; content sharing and new resources being produced to avoid mis-information. This week, we look at the BBC, UNESCO and patronage in Colorado.

The BBC have committed to content sharing of local content to ensure that smaller stations have access to correct and high-quality information and resources.  In an initiative which is led by a new Memorandum of Understanding agreed between the Community Media Association (CMA) and BBC England, the Chairman of CMA Danny Lawrence said: “It’s vitally important at this time for BBC local radio to partner with local community radio stations to keep our communities safe, informed, and educated. We look forward to furthering the relationships between local community radio and BBC local radio going forward…The agreement is about facilitating collaboration between community and BBC local radio. There are great opportunities here for community broadcasting so now is the time to get talking to your local BBC station if the conversation has not already begun.”

Another example of this content sharing and caring is by UNESCO. They are producing audio messages in different language as resources for radio stations around the world. From Spanish to Russian and Mongolian, UNESCO are making it their goal to ensure that as a global society, we are sharing information that is accurate, to avoid mis-information and adding further panic to the global pandemic.  You can listen to these audio samples here.

Finally, we are also seeing community support for radio stations through donations and patronage. In a recent article from Colorado Public Radio, they have thanked their listeners for continuing support in the form of 'gifts', which have allowed the station to continue to provide ‘companionship, comfort, and joy.' Yet again, proving that radio is intrinsic to communities and continues to be a way to maintain human connection in a period of isolation. 

If you know of any radio sharing and caring happening in your community, send an email to [email protected] #Broadcastingtogether 

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