Norway’s Ole Jørgen Torvmark receives WorldDAB Award for Outstanding Service 2018


At the WorldDAB General Assembly 2018, the WorldDAB Award for Outstanding Service was presented to Ole Jørgen Torvmark. The award is in recognition of Ole Jørgen's work as CEO of Digital Radio Norway, where he led Norway to become the first country in the world to switch off FM.

Between 2010 and 2018 Ole Jørgen was the CEO of Digital Radio Norway, the industry body which led Norway to become the first country in the world to conduct a DSO. When the process was completed, Digital Radio Norway was shut down according to plan. He is now a consultant and, also, head of a new industry body on behalf of the broadcasters, Norsk Radio. The company ensures that Norwegian radio content is widely distributed on digital listening platforms such as streaming and smart speakers.

The WorldDAB Award for Outstanding  Service is offered in memory of Per Erik Selemark of Swedish radio, former Vice-President and Chair of the Technical Committee, who died in January 1999. The award is given to an individual member of WorldDAB who has been recognised for their exceptional efforts in the promotion and roll-out of the DAB family of standards. 

During his tenure, Ole Jørgen oversaw the complete digitisation of Norway's national radio broadcasting, playing a key role in the collaboration between commercial and public broadcasters, and between the broadcasters, politicians and industry.

Throughout the digital switch-off Ole Jørgen and his team informed and inspired other countries. He kept the WorldDAB community updated on Norway's progress and reasons for switching off national FM, continually sharing the lessons learned and best practice on the DSO process with other countries who were also making the transition.

This was particularly the case for Switzerland which plans to switch off national FM between 2020 to 2024. He has been an active member of the WorldDAB Steering Board, as well as the international marketing coordination and DSO groups.

Patrick Hannon, WorldDAB president commented: “I am delighted that this year's award is going to Ole Jørgen. In his role as CEO of Digital Radio Norway, he has played a critical role in Norwegian radio's transition to a digital-only future. Over several years, Ole Jørgen and his team approached this challenge with a rare combination of professionalism and enthusiasm. Working with stakeholders across the industry, they ensured that the world's first FM switch-off was completed as smoothly as possible. Ole Jørgen's leadership and passion have been critical factors in this success – and have been an inspiration to all those who care about radio's digital future.”

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