Interview: Eddy Prastyo, Head of New Media, Suara Surabaya Radio


Eddy Prastyo has 14 years of experience in the radio industry. He first joined Suara Surabaya Radio as an Online Reporter and now serves as the Head of New Media. We talked to Eddy about the challenges radio is facing today and how it survives in this digital era.

1. Suara Surabaya Radio has just turned 34. Congratulations! Please share the strategies to survive in the digital era.

The emergence of television in the '90s, followed by online media in the early 2010s were game changers in the media industry. Since then, radio has faced a serious challenge. But, in the late '90s, Suara Surabaya finally found new opportunities along with the political reform in Indonesia and freedom of speech. I think new media could become an enemy to conventional media only when conventional media see it that way. In fact, new media can be used to cover up the limitations of conventional media and strengthen the impact of radio broadcasting, for example, with the use of social media and the internet.

For the strategies, we strengthen our public service by providing solutions to our listeners' problems, for example, helping find missing persons. We also always put our listeners as the subject of communication, not only as object, so they can help solve problems. And lastly, we treat the government as our partner, not as 'other party', to find solutions to every problem faced by our society.

2. So, what's the biggest challenge radio is facing today?

Based on the research conducted by Suara Surabaya and other organisations, we found out that behavioural changes in media consumption and advances in information technology are the biggest challenges we are facing today. So, radio practitioners must always keep up with trends and changes. But on the other hand, we shouldn't forget the advantages of radio, such as the ability to create a personal and emotional relationship with the listeners and the fact that radio can be enjoyed while you do something else at the same time. We must maximise these advantages.

3. What is the main program from Suara Suarabaya?

It's called Kelana Kota. This is a 24-hour program in which the listeners can interact with us, including sharing information and complaints on air. It is usually related to traffic, public services, or personal issues that have to do with the society. The public information is then filtered and confirmed by our gatekeeper team before it's on air. Talk shows and audio reports are inserted in this program.

4. As the first private news radio in Surabaya that still exists until now, what value you want to maintain?

We always emphasise that media must contribute to society. Our value is determined by how much our contribution means to the public. Then, our success is measured by how we can serve our listeners, such as finding solutions to every problems that are shared to us. It is this kind of mindset that we want to maintain.

5. How did you start a career in radio?

In 2003, I was recruited as Online Reporter for, which is a support unit for the radio. But, I have always tried to cover news both for online and radio as I had passion for radio as well. After more than a decade of reporting, I felt the need for greater challenges. I then proposed new media division and in 2013, it was accepted.

6. What are your duties as the Head of New Media in Suara Surabaya?

I coordinate reporters, manage digital content and the new media division, and also handle Suara Surabaya's social media.

Interview courtesy Telum Media. Telum Media is a Singapore, Hong Kong & Sydney registered company founded in 2013 by former PR & journalism professionals who saw the need for a comprehensive media database in Asia.


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