DRM webinars hailed as the most successful yet


The DRM Consortium in collaboration with Asia-Pacific Broadcast Union (ABU) and for the first-time with  the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) has  delivered a two-part interactive webinar session focused on the key DRM benefits of greatest use in times of crisis and disasters.

Under the theme of ‘DRM Benefits in Times of Crisis’, both webinars were attended by over 300 participants from countries as far apart as India, Mauritius, Indonesia, Sudan, Malaysia, Japan, Nepal, Brazil, Iran, UK, Tunisia, USA, Solomon Islands, Australia, and Germany.
Over 100 questions from participants covered characteristics of the full AM and FM DRM standard technology, its benefits, applications and receiver solutions.  
Both webinars tackled and demonstrated key features such as, Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF), DRM transmission monitoring map, content server programming using Journaline and public signage delivered effectively with the help of DRM.

The speakers included, Ruxandra Obreja (DRM Chair), Alexander Zink (Vice-Chair, Fraunhofer IIS), Yogendra Pal (Chair Indian Platform), Simon Keens (Ampegon), Jan Bremer (NXP) and Radu Obreja (DRM Marketing Director).
The webinars brought new information about receivers, efficient chipsets already used in the over 2 million cars on the road in the amplest digital rollout in the world, India and which can be deployed as SDR solutions.
Of particular interest were the different and many more receiver solutions available now, the single frequency network application in DRM, the programming of content server able to deliver education and also emergency warning audio and data messages in different languages.
According to DRM Chairman, Ruxandra Obreja, “These webinars were not only the most successful in the history of the DRM Consortium but also of ABU.  The interest and challenging questions demonstrated that DRM information is required more than ever. The DRM practical applications can be of more use now than ever, in a world that is definitely in crisis and on the brink of change.”
The immediate feedback was extremely positive: “Nice webinar with new information”, “very informative session”, “that was a good session” were some of the comments from participants.



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