Comrex Releases CrossLock for ACCESS and BRIC‐ Link II


Comrex, a long‐ time innovator in IP broadcasting technology, has announced that it will be releasing CrossLock for ACCESS (soon to be available for BRIC‐Link II).

This brand new upgrade will enable users to utilize multiple networks at once for improved broadcast reliability.

CrossLock, a new feature included with ACCESS firmware 4.0, provides an added capability for bonding, which will allow multiple networks to be utilized at once.

In addition to network bonding, the user can configure multiple networks for redundancy mode, a better choice for reliability on higher bandwidth links.

Additionally, forward error correction (FEC) and other ACCESS reliability tools are included with the firmware.

With the portable user interface and a wide variety of audio encoders that set the standard for innovative remote broadcasting equipment, ACCESS 4.0 enables higher quality, lower latency, and improved stability from even more locations.


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