BIG FM Delhi celebrates ‘Kudiyan di Lohri’

India’s 92.7 Big FM celebrated the North Indian harvest festival of Lohri by dedicating it to the birth of a girl child with its ‘Kudiyan di Lohri’ initiative in Delhi.

The festival is usually celebrated by welcoming the birth of a boy child.

As a part of the activity, RJ Prateek and RJ Khanak visited two households in Delhi where girls were born.

They visited the houses on Saturday, January 10 and Monday, January 12, with gifts, a band and a group of dancers who entertained the family with traditional festive music.

The families were selected from over 1000 sms registrations received by the station.

The station says it wanted to mark a reform in traditional societal norms for the betterment of the society with the activity.

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