30 ideas in 45 minutes #RDE22

As usual, at the end of RadioDays Europe, six conference presenters were recruited to give 30 ideas in 45 minutes.

Here are their key takeawayys:


Thomas Korponay-Pfeifer, PD of Radio 88.6

Five commandments for PDs

  1. Remember the station’s core values and keep them holy. Make sure everyone is on the same page about brand positioning.
  2. Thou shalt have faith in your people, trust your talent, give them creative space and let them do their job.
  3. Thou shalt not be afraid of failure. Make it ok to fail so they can learn.
  4. Honour thy owners and CEOs… but keep them away from your team.
  5. Thou shalt dare to dream big, look for Whys, not Why Nots


Carolina Jamet, CBC Radio Canada

  1. Create your own audio platform and control your distribution – it will help you build and leverage your brand
  2. Break up your radio shows into segments and provide them in different formats on different platforms
  3. Enhance discoverability – update your home page regularly, 4 times per day, 7 days per week. With a dynamic platform people spend more time with you
  4. Audio books – create an enriched audio book platform
  5. Drive audience engagement – for example co-listening to kids audio books with parents


Kenny Southaby, ReelWorld

  1. Be comfortable with change, it’s always there, station sounds cannot stay the same
  2. Upcycle audio creatively. Use the emotional connection people have with sound to convey a brand message
  3. Seek inspiration where your audience is.
  4. Outdo streaming services – add value to our content and station sound that streamers do not do
  5. Be concise


Julia Schutz, Antenne NRW (a new station just 202 days on air)

  1. Take calculated risks – some people are so afraid of losing that they never try to win
  2. Look after your rising stars, not only the cash cows
  3. Find a purpose, so you know what you are fighting for
  4. Be proud but never satisfied
  5. You need the right people in your corner – a mentor, a financial controller, a lawyer


Andrew Davis, ABC Australia Digital and Engagement Editor

Podcast tips to engage and keep an audience

  1. Episode headlines and descriptions motivate listeners to try a new podcast. More than recommendations, hosts, brands or artwork
  2. Lead with something interesting, the first line and a half will be displayed on the main page. Great headlines work, especially those that provoke emotion or curiosity
  3. Style and tone of episode description and headline should match the style of the audio
  4. Use the one shot rule – one call to action, not a shopping list
  5. Ask listeners to rate or review your podcast


Alan Haydn Jones, Head of BBC Radio 1

  1. Keep renewing your presenters if your station is a youth station
  2. Cast the net wide when looking for new talent
  3. Recruit a diverse range of presenters
  4. You are not your audience, make radio that they want
  5. Presenter development never ends


Next year’s Radio Days Europe will be held in Prague., 26-28 March 2023.

And later this year, RadioDays Asia will team up with the ABU and will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 6 & 7 September. The ABU’s RadioAsia conference this year will also partner with RadioDays and will be held in the same venue in KL on 5 September, with an additional half day training conference on Sunday 4 September.




