Your Forum – Your Thoughts to do with Radio

Lots to talk about.

If you were Sir Richard Branson and had a lazy $200 million to spend on Australian radio, what would you buy? What could you buy? A report this week in the Financial Review reckoned that Virgin was keen on buying a big stake in World Audio. Can you believe it? Some radio pundits can’t, but judging by the recent leap in the share price, a lot of investors can.

You might like to comment on the comings and goings at Austereo. In Sydney Harmer’s team is out, Lucy’s team is in, while in Melbourne, Tracy Bartram has finished up after six years. On the other hand Lawsie after 50 years in radio is ‘sticking to a good thing” at 2UE for another seven.

Meanwhile a less celebrated Ashley Mac is also leaving radio next week after 25 years of sterling service, living the nomadic life of a regional jock. We start this week’s posts with his parting comments that won him a free subscription to radioinfo.

Comment on any of the above or on anything else to do with radio.

If you’re a non-subscriber, you can use your post as your entry into our weekly competition for a free year’s subscription (see box in right margin for details). Just send your post in an email to [email protected]. But we can’t accept anonymous competition entries.