When they turn off the analogue lights, will Radio be the last to leave?

It’s official, the switchover to digital TV would be complete by December 31, 2013, federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy told the Australian Broadcast Summit in Sydney. And to ensure the whole thing goes smoothly and not too much of a financial burden on TV’s cash strapped owners, the government is pitching in $37.9 million. But Senator Conroy told broadcasters that a policy announcement on digital radio was still under discussion, “I’m just not able at the moment to make any announcement about that,” he said.

Apart from the almost $40 million sweetener, the point is that in just over five years time viewers will have no choice but to switch to digital because it’ll be the only game in town.

What about radio listeners?

Hats off to the Australian radio industry for the clever innovations they’ve already announced for digital, like real traffic solutions. But is it enough?

The previous government insisted that radio get its digital act together at its own expense. What will happen to radio if this government drags the chain on turning off the analogue spectrum?

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