They don’t make ‘em like Ron Camplin anymore – and that’s a shame.

This week Ron Camplin was presented with a Commercial Radio Lifetime Achievement Award for his 60 years in the industry – he started at 2CH in August 1948. He’s in good company. Others including Paul Thompson, Rod Muir and John Laws have also made outstanding contributions to Radio. But the special ACRA played second fiddle to another award that was presented to Ron by the Lord Mayor of Bathurst for his service to the local community. Ron Camplin may be a great broadcaster but he’s an even greater human being.

The Mayor told the assembled gathering, “It is his outstanding community service that sees him honoured here today by the people of Bathurst, the community he serves so well. There is simply no way to acknowledge all of the initiatives, programs and opportunities he has put in place.”

In fact, so much has Ron done for Bathurst that they’ve decided to rename their top community award (the one they gave Ron) The Ron Camplin Award.

Read the Mayor’s Speech and some of Ron Camplin’s acievements.

Despite having been offered tens of millions for his stations, Ron remains committed to local broadcasting as one of the last true local independent owner operators.

Hundreds of people who today have successful careers in Radio have worked at his stations and learnt the meaning of being part of the community. Here’s your chance to pay tribute to Ron Camplin on his great achievement.

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