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As workplaces go, radio stations can get pretty “lively”. But apparently it got a bit too lively at 3BA soon after Reginald David Mowat, joined their happy little work force in 2000 (see story in news section).

Although Mowat was not convicted of any physical abuse, he was found guilty of verbal bullying and was fined $10,000 after pleading guilty. The case against him as laid out by the prosecution suggests that Reg certainly knows how to disturb the peace.

In sentencing him the judge said: “The explosive manner in which you have behaved towards fellow employees in voicing your frustration was completely inappropriate.”

Screaming foul language is not uncommon in the high strung, high stakes game that is radio. It’s bound to happen in an industry that attracts egos like dogs attract fleas. There’s certainly been plenty of whispered reports of some of our highest paid celebrities blowing up de luxe at terrified staff over the years.

Most radio veterans have a story of an almighty blue that happened at some station they worked at in the murky past. How ‘bout you? Have you been a victim? If so, has this conviction made you think that perhaps you should press charges? Is this case likely to spark a flood of claims or will most do what they’ve always done, shut up and get on with it.

(Be aware that in some cases we may have to edit your posting for legal reasons)

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