Nibbling at the hand that feeds you

Nothing the media loves more than a boyish stoush between mature men running multi-million dollar empires. When 2GB/2CH co-owner John Singleton took aim last week at Fairfax, it wasn’t long before that organisation’s Radio boss, Graham Mott responded with some invective of his own. Read whole story. But Singo also had a swipe at Advertising Agencies, saying, “The ad agencies used to be run by young guys who, between smoking pot and snorting coke, would place clients with the stations they listened to.”. This poses two questions.

Firstly, is he right? Before you answer, don’t forget that he’s one of the most experienced advertising agency proprietors in Australia.

Secondly, whether he’s or not, is this a helpful comment for station owner to make – not just for his own stations but for the industry as a whole?

Also, Radio has lost a highly respected member of its industry in the passing of Greg Henricks. Write a remembrance of Hendo in this Blog.

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