If you were Lawsie, would you stay or would you go?

Starting with Ray Hadley, there are plenty of people ready to knock John Laws off his ever-diminishing pedestal. The latest to join the queue of Laws bashers is Michael Bodey who, writing in The Australian started his column by stating, “With a ratings decline that appears terminal, 2UE owner Southern Cross Broadcasting must face the hard fact: the one-time king of talkback radio, John Laws, is a liability”. And that was about the nicest thing he had to say about the man who, contrary to Bodey’s assessment, many still regard as the king of radio. Laws’s website says so.

Nonetheless, after more than 50 years, Laws is at the tail end of his career. The question is: how long can he continue to wag that tail before, one way or another, his innings comes to a close.

With all that money and all that history, what would you do? Would you jump or wait…and perhaps be pushed?

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