How rude is your radio?

Its obvious that special interest groups like The Australian Family Association don’t listen to contemporary FM stations much. If they did they would have complained about explicit content much earlier and much more often than they did and do. It was just last week that the AFA’s Qld president Ken Francis proclaimed that radio stations were being irresponsible. He told Brisbane’s Courier Mail, “There are many parents who are concerned about what is being played on the radio. I really don’t understand why those sexually explicit songs need to be played at all.” Has Ken got a point?

One thing’s for sure he has a tuner that can find the nearest Family oriented station at the touch of a button. Why not stick to that part of the dial and leave the rest of the airwaves to the heathen masses to fill with whatever debauchery the PD allows?

On the other hand have we all succumbed to the “warm frog sundrome” and allowed standards to slip and it takes a casual observer like Ken to point out the depths to which popular FM radio has sunk?

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